Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Community meeting summary

Hi All, for those of you who couldn't attend last weeks meeting, here's a quick rundown. David Flaherty for the City's Parks and Recreation dep. spoke about the new community center. The center will have a ballroom, two meeting rooms, exercise room, weight room, library/computer room and a crafts room. We have a copy of the plans if anyone would like to see them, just email Blake and we can send you a copy.
David also talked about the Sanders Beach Park. He is planning to put in a wheelchair accessible play ground and bathrooms/ concession stand. The concessions area would sell simple things like ice and chips. He added that as they got closer to building the playground he would come back to get community input on the area.
Also, he announced that all boat launches in the city will begin charging a $5.00 fee.

The new community center should be open in about a year. (July-Sept of '09) It was suggested that some time between now and then, the community should do a book donation drive so the library can be well stocked! So everyone save your extra books!

Also, be thinking about what activities you would like to see at the center! Dance classes? Art classes? Computer skills? Gardening workshops? Be thinking about what we can do to enliven
the community and bring neighbors together. Do we want to do a fall festival? An Easter egg hunt? Do any of you have a skill and would like to donate your time to help or put on a workshop?
Think about it, the next meeting we have with Mr. Flaherty will address these issues.