This is a new drawing from the City showing the conservation area the property owners are requesting as part of their rezoning. With 70’ high buildings in the requested R-2B the first building would be 70’ from the east end of the property. From what I am being told from the City it is extremely difficult to get conservation area’s rezoned later to anything else.
Here also is a definition of Conservation.
Sec. 12-2-2.
The regulations in this section shall be applicable to the conservation zoning district: CO.
(A) Purpose of district. The conservation Land Use District is established to preserve open space as necessary for protecting water resources, preserving scenic areas, preserving historic sites, providing parklands and wilderness reserves, conserving endemic vegetation, preventing flood damage and soil erosion.
(B) Generalized uses permitted.
(a) Wildlife and vegetation conservation:
Wildlife refuge, nature trails and related facilities.
(b) Recreational facilities:
Passive recreation.
Bike trails.
Jogging trails.
(c) Other similar and compatible conservation and recreational uses:
Boat moorings, fishing piers, drainage areas, etc.
(C) Specific plans for each district. For each conservation district site plan review shall be subject to the procedure described in section 12-2-81. In addition, site plans shall include the following provisions:
• Location and characteristics of all environmental features such as wetlands, trees, bluffs and wildlife areas;
• Location of all transportation and utility rights-of-way and easements;
• Location and characteristics of allowable types of development, and;
• Any other factors deemed relevant to the health, safety, preservation and protection, or welfare of lands within or surrounding the designated areas